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Over $80,000 Donated | Free Shipping on domestic orders over $75
Over $80,000 Donated | Free Shipping on domestic orders over $75

Protecting the Planet

We believe that businesses have a responsibility to take care of the environment. At Hippy Feet, this means both minimizing our footprint and offsetting any negative impact that we're having on the planet.

How We Make Decisions

Whenever Possible

Sustainable Materials

Recycled materials are the most sustainable option we can find to create our products. If we're not able to get recycled textiles, we use organicly grown materials and limit our use of synthetics.

Beyond the Socks

Eco-Friendly Operations

We prioritize partners with who are already practicing sustainability initiatives and have a strong sense of stewardship for our planet.

Our business is environmentally friendly behind the scenes as well. All of our shipping supplies is made from recycled or reusable material. We're continuing to improve different parts of our operations in a way that minimizes our footprint.